The Egg of The Universe

I accidentally re-discovered the cosmic Egg Theory.

Playing with GPT API I generated the following conversation:

 1/usr/local/bin/python3.11 /Users/adrian/src/gptplay/ 
 2AI: hi, how can I help you?
 3Me: I found an egg
 5AI: Congratulations! What kind of egg is it?
 6Me: A toy egg
 8AI: Ah, that's fun. What is inside the egg?
 9Me: The whole universe fits in the egg, yet the egg is within the universe. Can you explain that?
11AI: This is a Zen and Buddhist concept called the Cosmic Egg. It symbolizes the unity between everything 
12in the universe - that all things are connected and part of the same whole. 
13It suggests that the universe is both within and beyond each individual.

Context, my three years old just said "I found an egg!" So I repeated it to GPT with a personal formulation for a philosophical theory (I was just having fun) that was already invented long ago... I searched for references but could not find the exact theory, except for a book with low reviews and a Wikipedia article with many references from many cultures.

This is the code I used:

 1import os
 2import openai
 4openai.api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
 6start_sequence = "\nAI:"
 7restart_sequence = "\nHuman: "
 9conversation = "hi, how can I help you?" + os.linesep
12while True:
13    conversation = conversation + input().strip() + os.linesep
14    response = openai.Completion.create(
15        model="text-davinci-003",
16        prompt=conversation,
17        temperature=0.9,
18        max_tokens=150,
19        top_p=1,
20        frequency_penalty=0,
21        presence_penalty=0.6,
22        stop=[" Human:", " AI:"]
23    )
24    text_response = response.choices[0].text
25    conversation = conversation + text_response + os.linesep
26    print(text_response)

Related links I found: